Sunday, January 07, 2007

Happy New Year!

The Holidays are over and life carries on. Thank you to so many of you for your cards and well wishes! This past week has been very restfull and I'm now preparing to go back to work bright and early tomorrow. Dave is doing well with his job...things seem to be picking up now which is helpful. Bishop and Hudson enjoyed many good walks as well as a couple lazy days on the couch this week. Dave and I briefly entertained trading in the Ranger for a hatchback style vehicle...but after two intense nights of high pressure sales, we decided to hang on for a while longer.

In other news...we are now official Arizona residents! Dave and I made the undesireable trip to the DMV on Thursday to get our pictures taken for new licenses that don't expire until we're done being 64. This DMV was extremely efficient...we spent less than an hour there and walked out with our new licenses in hand. I'm considering this vacation to be a grand success...much was accomplished!


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