Saturday, January 27, 2007

Times been a movin' slow...

Well, what can I say? Not much to report. I've been pretty tired lately after work and I don't have the ambition to do much of anything when I get home. I suppose that's kind of the way it goes for teachers around this time of year. The time between winter break and spring break doesn't seem so long, and when I first came back I thought, this will be a breeze! However, this week especially has been tiring. I've now lost three students, gained one more, and two tell me they're leaving soon (confirmed with parents). It's very strange the sort of "turnover" that seems to occur out here. It's very difficult to maintain continuity.

I met with four other ladies from work on Wednesday to discuss a bible study! It was great meeting with them and we've planned to meet every other Wednesday. I am very excited to participate in a bible study again and at the same time, get to know more people. Nothing will compare, I'm sure, to my first study group...I really miss you guys!

Dave's work continues to be sporadic. Busy one day, frustratingly slow the next. But we're both carrying on and gearing up for the Super Bowl next weekend. Go Colts!

Monday, January 15, 2007

Some local wildlife...

Well, it's been downright cold here lately. Yesterday morning when I took the dogs out the grass was frozen and any standing water had become was amazing! Now, all we need is a little snow and we'll be all set.

My first week back at school was was nice to get back into the routine again...even if it was completely disrupted again by Thursday. We are doing our DIBELS testing and since we have no money, we were told to be "creative" in the administration of this testing. Our best solution was to double up classes. So on Thursday, one of my teammates took my class for the day and I pulled them one at a time to test...and on Friday I took her class all day while she tested. It was...chaotic, to say the least. I'm glad to have an extra day today to recoop. We'll be doing it all over again in a couple weeks to complete some other testing.

Dave's work has seriously picked up and he has been making some great commissions. When it is slow, he's able to complete in-store training to continue moving to the next level. However, he doesn't really get this chance very often because they are so short staffed. One day last week, he was the only tech in the store until 11am...and he went in at 8am. At least he's able to keep busy on most days!

We are having a lot fun out here despite lots of work and no snow! We continue to learn about our new surroundings and are acclimating well. Hope all is well with everyone else!

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Happy New Year!

The Holidays are over and life carries on. Thank you to so many of you for your cards and well wishes! This past week has been very restfull and I'm now preparing to go back to work bright and early tomorrow. Dave is doing well with his job...things seem to be picking up now which is helpful. Bishop and Hudson enjoyed many good walks as well as a couple lazy days on the couch this week. Dave and I briefly entertained trading in the Ranger for a hatchback style vehicle...but after two intense nights of high pressure sales, we decided to hang on for a while longer.

In other news...we are now official Arizona residents! Dave and I made the undesireable trip to the DMV on Thursday to get our pictures taken for new licenses that don't expire until we're done being 64. This DMV was extremely efficient...we spent less than an hour there and walked out with our new licenses in hand. I'm considering this vacation to be a grand success...much was accomplished!