Our trip was a success, my last week off was nice, but short, and now we're back in the swing of things. It's strange, all that time off and I hardly thought about my classroom, it seemed like a world away. Now it's like I never left...waiting for the next break I guess. The next break just so happens to be this weekend! I get Monday off for a nice 3 day weekend.
I have a pretty tough class this year and it's not easy to get up and go in every day. I don't dread going and when I think of all I've done to get here I get my lazy butt out of bed and am thankful for the job. Many days, like today, things go pretty well and I love my job. There are also days when I wonder why I ever became a teacher. It's a difficult and often times thankless job. Kids are kids and even though they still like school (mostly) at this age, they don't thank you for being their teacher. It's awesome when I get to play around a little with them and they totally get what's going on...there are the thanks I guess. Anyway...that kind of explains why my updates are few and far between. I come home exhausted and have a million things I want to get done.
We have decided that when our lease is up in June, we'll be moving to Colorado. This may surprise some of you, but it's what we've wanted for a while now. If I would have been able to find a job there in the first place it would have been nice. It's beautiful out here and it's a great detour. I've gotten to do so many things I never thought I'd do and have more in mind before we leave. Leaving the white of Michigan to return to the heat of Phoenix really opened our eyes I suppose. I miss the change of seasons and of course the snow. Honestly, I can't stand the summer here either. I know it's only been one summer, but I don't need the experience of a second! We want to settle down and buy a house and find a place we'll love and it feels like we're wasting time here because we know we won't stay. We have no set plans yet as far as where we'll live...I'm watching job postings and working toward getting my Colorado teaching license. We'll keep you updated as soon as we know things for ourselves!