Sunday, February 17, 2008

New website

Just wanted to let everyone know we have a new home for our little website. We will post there from now on. It contains all the old posts, a snazzy photo gallery, and contact information for us. The new site is:

Come check us out!

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Shadow Mountain

This is a picture from a recent hike we took with the dogs. Shadow Mountain is practically in our back yard. It was a nice hike, moderately difficult because of some pretty steep areas. We liked it because it's less recreational than other mountain preserves. We could let the dogs off the leashes and be more free to climb. Last weekend we went to Lookout Mountain, and tomorrow we'd like to go to North Mountain as long as it's not raining. Yes, every once in a while it does rain here in the Valley of the Sun. Apparently there is a storm on its way and we have a forecasted 100% chance of rain.

Friday, January 18, 2008


Our trip was a success, my last week off was nice, but short, and now we're back in the swing of things. It's strange, all that time off and I hardly thought about my classroom, it seemed like a world away. Now it's like I never left...waiting for the next break I guess. The next break just so happens to be this weekend! I get Monday off for a nice 3 day weekend.

I have a pretty tough class this year and it's not easy to get up and go in every day. I don't dread going and when I think of all I've done to get here I get my lazy butt out of bed and am thankful for the job. Many days, like today, things go pretty well and I love my job. There are also days when I wonder why I ever became a teacher. It's a difficult and often times thankless job. Kids are kids and even though they still like school (mostly) at this age, they don't thank you for being their teacher. It's awesome when I get to play around a little with them and they totally get what's going on...there are the thanks I guess. Anyway...that kind of explains why my updates are few and far between. I come home exhausted and have a million things I want to get done.

We have decided that when our lease is up in June, we'll be moving to Colorado. This may surprise some of you, but it's what we've wanted for a while now. If I would have been able to find a job there in the first place it would have been nice. It's beautiful out here and it's a great detour. I've gotten to do so many things I never thought I'd do and have more in mind before we leave. Leaving the white of Michigan to return to the heat of Phoenix really opened our eyes I suppose. I miss the change of seasons and of course the snow. Honestly, I can't stand the summer here either. I know it's only been one summer, but I don't need the experience of a second! We want to settle down and buy a house and find a place we'll love and it feels like we're wasting time here because we know we won't stay. We have no set plans yet as far as where we'll live...I'm watching job postings and working toward getting my Colorado teaching license. We'll keep you updated as soon as we know things for ourselves!

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Happy New Year!

A new year...five years ago, did I ever think I'd be here now? Honestly, no. But, here we are and life goes on. We had a wonderful visit home, although we didn't get to see several people that we wanted to. It was awesome to be home for Christmas and to see so much snow! It felt like we never left, then of course we did have to leave. It was harder for me to leave this time than when we moved in the first place. And let me tell ya...coming down from Flagstaff into blue sky and 60 degree weather was not as comforting as you might think. If it only gets warmer from here I don't think I'll make it!

It is good to be home, although very quiet! Dave's already been back to work, and I'm thankful I have a few more days. Time to clean, relax, read, and get mentally prepared to jump back in head first. Truthfully, I'll be glad when this school year is over, it hasn't been easy and I don't think it will get easier. That's okay though...I'm learning valuable lessons about what to do and what not to do in the future! Here's to a less stressful can hope!

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Holiday Plans

Well, I think we've got our trip back all planned out (mostly). Dan will be coming with us and we'll leave Friday evening. We'll arrive in Kalamazoo late Saturday night and stay there with Dave's family. Then we'll Christmas it up for the next 3 days while making our way north to Grand Rapids. Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday will be for catching up with friends, going on Meijer's visits, touring our old haunts, and other miscellaneous things like sledding (hopefully)! It's coming so fast, I can hardly believe it. So many things have changed and I'm interested to see how it will feel to be back in GR.

For Thanksgiving we'll be going to Tuscon for the day. Mmmmm...actual real Turkey this year! I can't wait for that either...maybe this year I'll go shopping the next myself (cue sad, pathetic music). I wonder if IKEA has Black Friday sales?? If so, I think I'll be there!

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

The Great Outdoors

We just returned (on Monday) from our first Arizona camping trip. We drove about 3 hours Northeast to the White Mountains and stayed in Fool Hollow Campground. We chose it because it was on a lake (not in the way we expected) and it had showers and flush toilets. It is beautiful country up there and the drive there and back was amazing. We camped on a cliff that dropped down to the lake below. It was very windy the first night and the next day and very cold because of it. After the wind died down the temps ranged from a high of 64 in the daytime to a low of 41 at night...chilly, but not unbearable. It was nice to be cold for a change! The campground was nice, although because we had three vehicles they made us pay $15 per vehicle per night even though we were only on one campsite. We decided that since we were paying for it, we would just take over the site next to us too. I don't think we'll camp there again...there was only one hiking trail and although it was beautiful, it just wasn't that exciting. We had a great time and can't wait to do more exploring of this amazing part of the country!

Saturday, October 06, 2007

Fa la la la, la la la la

This is a strange and exciting turn of events...the temp inside our little apartment is close to 80 (we turned the air off last night) and the current temp outside is 64. Weather-wise, I had quite a nice little stroll with the doggies. I feel like crap, my throat is closing up, and doggies behaved poorly, but what can you do? Ah yes, fall is coming to the valley. Just last night we were at Costco and they were making room for the parkas. Tomorrow we're driving up to Flagstaff, or "Flag" as the locals call it, and perhaps we'll even see some yellowing, deciduous leaves! Soon we'll be in full-fledged know, when the temp drops to about 50 and nothing much else happens.